This is the official Menuva bounty thread


600,000 Menuva tokens allocated for this bounty campaign.
600,000 tokens equals to 120,000$ at ICO price.


This bounty campaign will last until the end of the last stage in ICO sale.


Youtube – 20%
Reddit – 10%
Twitter – 30%
Medium – 20%
Creativity – 10%
Signature – 10%



Youtube Instructions:
Subscribe to our youtube here:
Apply to join our Youtube campaign here:
Youtube videos must be at least 1 minute long.
Youtube videos must be in high quality.
You must have at least 100 organic subscribers.
You should have links to our website and whitepaper in the video description.
You will get stakes based on the quality and popularity of your work, reviewed at the end of the campaign.


0-999 views: 20 stakes
1000-9999 views: 60 stakes
9999 and above:200 stakes with the posibility of it being higher after our review depending on the number of likes and comments



Reddit Instructions:
Subscribe to our official reddit here :
Register for our Reddit campaign here:
All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying or spamming is NOT allowed
You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics from our website,twitter and in the ANN thread.
Make comments or threads about Menuva in the relevant subreddits for the ICO for example: /r/menuva/,r/cryptocurrency, r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto
Be respectful. Any form of spam, aggresive or insulting post will lead to diqualification from our bounty.


0-10 upvotes: 2 stakes
10-99 upvotes:10 stakes
100-499 upvotes:100 stakes
500 upvotes and above:150 stakes



Twitter Instructions:
Follow our official Twitter Account here :
Register for our Twitter campaign here:
Your twitter account must have at least 100 real followers
You have to post at least 3 tweets per week about Menuva. Maximum of 1 tweet per day.
You must use our hashtag(#Menuva) , use our twitter handle @ProjectMenuva or must have link to the website.
Tweets to be in English and should be posted here every week.
Note: We check tweets and retweets manually, so please be patient.


100-999 followers: 20 stakes/week
1000-4999 followers: 50 stakes/week
5000 followers and above : 100 stakes/week or higher depending on the number of likes/retweets



Blog Instructions:
Follow our medium here:
Register for our blog campaign here:
Write an original article or blog post about Menuva and its usages.
Do NOT copy other articles or blogs.
Do NOT use google translate.
Do NOT slander or use insulting language.
500-999 words: 25 stakes
1000-1999 words: 50 stakes
2000-4999 words: 100 stakes
4999 words and above: 150 stakes



Creativity instructions:
Register for creativity campaign here:
Make an image,design,song or whatever you feel like that is promoting,describing or mentioning Menuva
No copying or plagiarizing of other projects is allowed and it will lead to the disqualification from our bounty.
Make sure that whatever you make is high quality.
Best creative content will be shared on our official twitter.


25 -250 stakes depending on the quality of the made content. If we share it on our twitter that instantly means 250 stakes is going to be rewarded.



Register for out signature campaign here :


Jr.Member – 10 stakes/week
Member – 20 stakes/week
Full member-30 stakes/week


Author: Airdropdropp


MEW: 0xf061Ed0d776C6D400103ceE59B60388021518350

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